The £92,000 Fibroscanner enables clinicians to diagnose liver disease by measuring inflammation, stiffness and fatty changes in a patient’s liver, in a non-invasive, painless scan which takes less than ten minutes.
The main causes of liver disease relate to combination of risks including Diabetes, high cholesterol, increased weight, alcohol and viruses. Over the years, the rates of chronic liver disease in the UK have risen dramatically, and it is now one the main causes of death in people under the age of 65.
Dr Anu Agrawal, Divisional Director of Medicine at DBTH said “It is estimated that up to 55,000 patients would benefit from a Fibroscan in Doncaster. Chronic Liver disease whether its advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis is silent, underdiagnosed and often diagnosed at a late stage. There are several life threatening complications linked to liver disease and one of them is a risk of developing liver cancer.
“The scanner will play a crucial role in helping to diagnose liver disease at an earlier stage. With early diagnosis, patients can make different life-style choices, and we can offer more effective treatments to help reverse the damage, allowing patients to fully recover.
“That is why we are so thankful to the Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust. Their donation will make a real difference in improving patient outcomes and saving lives in Doncaster.”
The funding for the mobile scanner also includes a comprehensive training package for four dedicated DBTH colleagues. This investment in expertise ensures that the technology will be used to its full potential, providing the best possible care to the patients of Doncaster.
Andy Collins, Public Health Practitioner from the Doncaster Alcohol Alliance said: “The introduction of the mobile scanner to DRI is an extremely positive development for our communities. Admissions for alcohol related liver disease at Doncaster Royal Infirmary (DRI) have increased significantly over the last ten years.
“Previously patients in Doncaster identified as requiring a scan would have been placed on a long waiting list. The donation of the mobile scanner to the hospital means that some of the most at-risk, including alcohol-dependant patients, can be scanned whilst they are in hospital for care and treatment.”
Yvonne Woodcock, Chair of the Doncaster Cancer Detection Trust said of the donation: “Liver cancer is on the rise and is known as one the less survivable cancers. We’re pleased to be able to donate the Fibroscanner to DBTH which will support early diagnosis of liver diseases and in doing so reduce the risk of patients developing liver cancer.
“At the DCDT we’re proud to have delivered many pieces of equipment, like the Fibroscanner, to the front line of our hospitals, and we’re thankful to all our amazing supporters who continue to support us in our fundraising efforts.”