During the World War 2, Kay lived with her parents behind the Doncaster Royal Infirmary on St.Patrick’s Road, and she and her mother asked permission to visit war casualties who were housed mainly in the five huts built for the purpose on the DRI site.
From their scarce rations they took in items of food, and also invited recuperating military personnel into their home for meals, even providing on one occasion a 21st Birthday cake, a gesture that was never forgotten by the recipient.
The friendships that were formed at this time often lasted for many years after hostilities ceased, and their letters and subsequent visits gave Kay great pleasure.
After her retirement Kay was a key worker for the local branch of the Back Pain Association. In 2017 a celebration was held on DRI’s orthopaedic
ward to mark Kay’s very generous donation to the Trust and also her important contribution to local health services. A lovely event, our colleague Kevin Smith, who knew Kay since he was a child, attended, and we have some wonderful pictures from this time.
Kay was proud of her long association with DRI and provided our Trust archive with numerous reminiscences and wartime photographs. In later
years she lived in Bessacarr and finally at Sandrock House, where she passed away peacefully.
Thank you Kay from your colleagues, past and present, at DBTH.