As of this year, all adults are automatically considered for organ donation when they die – with individuals having to specifically opt out if they wish to be excluded from this process. Organ donation is incredibly important – transplants can save or transform the life of a person and it is estimated that just one organ and tissue donor can help transform the lives of more than 10 people.
The local Trust which operates Doncaster Royal Infirmary, Bassetlaw Hospital and Montagu Hospital is supporting Organ Donation Week (7 to 13 September) and on the evening of Tuesday 8 September, illuminated its Doncaster site pink in support of the nationwide campaign.
David Purdue, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals at the Trust, said: “As an organisation we are enormously proud to lend our support to Organ Donation Week. This service is incredibly important and vital to the work of the NHS, and we encourage families to talk about this.
“While we don’t often like to discuss death, by donating an organ or tissue, individuals can impact the lives of so many in such a positive way, leaving a truly profound legacy for those who are no longer with us.”
In further support, the Trust’s Bassetlaw Hospital site will be lit up pink in tribute to Organ Donation Week on Thursday evening between 8pm and 9pm. If you wish to find out more about the work of NHS Blood and Transport, head to