Our Council of Governors consists of 36 seats:
- 5 Public Governors – Bassetlaw
- 13 Public Governors – Doncaster
- 2 Public Governors – Rest of England and Wales
- 1 Staff Governor – Medical and Dental
- 2 Staff Governors – Nursing and Midwifery
- 1 Staff Governor – Other Healthcare Professionals
- 2 Staff Governors – Non-clinical
- 9 Partner Governors (appointed by our partner organisations)
If you need to get in touch with a member of the Council of Governors, or should you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to do so through the Trust Board Office (dbth.TrustBoardOffice@nhs.net).
Our Governors are:
Lead Governor: Jackie Hammerton
Deputy Lead Governor: Vacant
Public (Bassetlaw):
Phil Mettam
Lynne Schuller
Sheila Walsh
Public (Doncaster):
Irfan Ahmed
Deborah Benson
Mark Bright
Andrew Flynn
Natasha Graves
David Gregory
Eileen Harrington
George Kirk
Lynne Logan
David Northwood
Colin Wallace
Public (Rest of England and Wales):
Jackie Hammerton
Maria Jackson-James
Staff governors
Dr Vivek Panikkar (Medical and Dental)
Gavin Portier (Nurses and Midwives)
Kay Brown (Non-Clinical)
Joseph Money (Non-Clinical)
Mandy Tyrrell (Nursing and Midwifery)
Vacant (Other Healthcare)
Partner governors
Jo Posnett (Sheffield Hallam University)
Professor Lynda Wyld (Sheffield University)
Vacant (Nottinghamshire County Council)
Harriet Digby (Bassetlaw District Council)
Andria Birch (CVS Bassetlaw)
Vacant (Doncaster College and University Centre)
Alexis Johnson (Doncaster Deaf Trust)
Phil Holmes (City of Doncaster Council)
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