Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Providing care for those in Doncaster, Bassetlaw and beyond…

Our vision: To be the safest Trust in England, outstanding in all that we do

Our Strategic Direction also sets out our values, embedded with our desire to eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote equality. Living the values ensures that everyone counts: we’re caring and compassionate and we encourage and value diversity.

We are committed to meeting our Public Sector Equality Duty obligations (https://www.gov.uk/equality-act-2010-guidance) and those of the Equality Act 2010 (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15/contents) publishing annual data and sharing areas of good practice.

EDS 2022:

Click here to view our EDS2022 summery report, for grading year 2024.

Click here to view our EDS2 Summary Report.

Click here to view the EDS2022 Summary Grading Report.

Click here to view the EDS2022 Technical Guidance.

The EDS Domains and outcomes:

At the heart of the EDS are eleven outcomes, against which NHS organisations measure their successes and challenges with protected characteristic and vulnerable community groups using evidence and insight. The outcomes, grouped into three Domains, are as follows:

Domain 1: Commissioned or provided services

  • 1A: Patients (service users) have required levels of access to the service (simpler version of EDS2 2.1)
  • 1B: Individual patients (service user’s) health needs are met (simpler version of EDS2 1.2)
  • 1C: When patients (service users) use the service, they are free from harm (like EDS2 1.4)
  • 1D: Patients (service users) report positive experiences of the service (same as EDS2 2.3)

Domain 2: Workforce health and well-being

  • 2A: When at work, staff are provided with support to manage obesity, diabetes, asthma, COPD, and mental health conditions (response to COVID-19)
  • 2B: When at work, staff are free from abuse, harassment, bullying and physical violence from any source (like EDS2 3.4)
  • 2C: Staff have access to independent support and advice when suffering from stress, abuse, bullying, harassment, and physical violence from any source (response to Covid-19)
  • 2D: Staff recommend the organisation as a place to work and receive treatment (like EDS2 3.6)

Domain 3: Inclusive leadership

  • 3A: Board members, system leaders (Band 9 and VSM) and those with line management responsibilities routinely demonstrate their understanding of, and commitment to, equality and health inequalities (like EDS 4.1)
  • 3B: Board/Committee papers (including minutes) identify equality and health inequalities related impacts and risks and how they will be mitigated and managed (like EDS2 4.2)
  • 3C: Board members, system, and senior leaders (Band 9 and VSM) ensure levers are in place to manage performance and monitor progress with staff and patients (response to Covid-19)

When rating the Domain 1 and Domain 2 outcomes, the NHS refers to each of the nine characteristics given protection under the Equality Act 2010.

The nine ‘protected characteristics’ are as follows:
• Age
• Disability
• Gender reassignment
• Marriage and civil partnership
• Pregnancy and maternity (and paternity)
• Race
• Religion or belief
• Sex
• Sexual orientation

The protected characteristic of ‘Marriage and civil partnership’ was intended by the Equality Act 2010 to apply to employment only. NHS organisations are asked to include this protected characteristic in their review and rating of the outcomes of Domain 1. By doing so, it will help to check any assumptions being made by NHS staff about patients in married or civil partnerships and other relationships.

NHS organisations should include paternity3 within the ‘Pregnancy and maternity’ protected characteristic when they the review and rate the EDS outcomes.

NHS organisations and their stakeholders are required to engage with inclusion groups when implementing the EDS. By including people who are ‘carers’ or ‘socially excluded’ as specific groups to engage with, related health inequalities can be addressed.

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