To support the developments taking place at Bassetlaw Hospital to build the new Emergency Department, there is a temporary ambulance route to the existing ED directly off Blyth Road. This route is for ambulance vehicles only and the existing car park there has been closed. A new pedestrian route to the emergency department has also been created.
Please be assured that our emergency department remains available for patients in a genuine emergency, and patient safety and care remain our priority.
How do I get to the Emergency Department?
Anyone coming to the Emergency Department by car can continue to use the existing Blyth road entrance and park in the newly created car park on the North side of the hospital and use the Clinical Therapies entrance (during the hours of 5am to 10pm) as an alternative entrance or take the short walk to access the new pedestrian route to the Emergency Department.
How do I get to my Outpatient Appointment?
If you are attending an outpatient appointment at Bassetlaw or one of the other wards or departments, you can now enter via the Outpatient entrance. Please follow the signage to get to your destination or follow the map provided below.

How do I access the Maternity building?
The Maternity Entrance remains open as normal.
Can I see a map?
If you’re unsure how to get to your appointment, or which entrance you need to use, please access the maps below.
What is the Bassetlaw Emergency Village project?
Initiated in July 2023 with a £17.6 million pledge from the UK government, the Emergency Village is designed to improve and expand emergency care services for the Bassetlaw community, as well as enable extended observations within paediatric care.
Once opened, all urgent and emergency care services at Bassetlaw Hospital will be housed within the new facility, alongside paediatric and acute care. The footprint inhabited by the new building is within the former car park opposite the main entrance, as well as accommodation previously used by Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

You can find out more about the project here:
Introducing our Bassetlaw Hospital Emergency Village Appeal

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals (DBTH) charity aim to enhance services within the Emergency Department (ED) at Bassetlaw Hospital and also fund improvements to the Children’s Assessment Unit (CAU) and the Assessment Treatment Centre (ATC).
This investment is a crucial step forward for our Trust and the local community, ensuring timely access to high-quality care within the Emergency Department for our patients, as well as return overnight paediatric services which were temporarily relocated to Doncaster Royal Infirmary in 2017, minimising the need for transfers.
Find out more about our latest charity appeal here.
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