Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible Information Standard (AIS)  is a mandatory standard that all NHS and publicly funded adult social care services must follow to ensure we can make information accessible to people who have communication needs relating to a disability, impairment or sensory loss.

We take the following five steps to support people who use our services, parents, carers and guardians:

  1. Identify – Ask if people have any information or communication needs and find out how to meet those needs.
  2. Record – Record those needs, and consent, using specific definitions in a way that is highly visible on the electronic and/or paper record.
  3. Flag – Use alerts/flags to make it clear on the person’s record what their needs are, and prompt action to meet those needs.
  4. Share information about the person’s needs with other teams, services and other agencies and providers during referral, discharge or handover.
  5. Act – Make sure people get their information in the way they have requested and have their communication needs met.

More information about the Accessible Information Standard is available in other formats on the NHS England website (external link).

If you need information in a different way, or you need support, please:

  • Ask a member of staff
  • Call us on 01302 642764
  • Email us at

The following posters are displayed across our sites and waiting areas:

A white poster with the hospital logo in the top right and graphic of the buildings in the bottom right. Bold title text reads "Your information, your way". Underneath, text reads "If you need information in a different way, or need support, please ask: a member of staff, call us on 01302 642764, or email us at Underneath a yellow box details examples of alternate formats, including easy read documents, large print, BSL, braille, and email or SMS text.
To enlarge image and view as a PDF, please click here. Image descriptions have been included in alt text.
A white poster with the hospital logo in the top right and graphic of the buildings in the bottom right. Bold title text reads "Accessible Information Standard" Below, text reads "The accessible information standard is a mandatory standard that all NHS and publicly funded adult social care services must follow to support people with a communication need." Underneath, headings read "Who is it for? People with an impairment, sensory loss or disability." "The essentials: there are 5 important steps detailed below." "The aim: people have information they can understand the communication support they need." The lower half of the post has five displayed steps in pink boxes. Text reads: "Identify – Ask if people have any information or communication needs and find out how to meet those needs. Record – Record those needs, and consent, using specific definitions in a way that is highly visible on the electronic and/or paper record. Flag – Use alerts/flags to make it clear on the person’s record what their needs are, and prompt action to meet those needs. Share information about the person’s needs with other teams, services and other agencies and providers during referral, discharge or handover. Act – Make sure people get their information in the way they have requested and have their communication needs met."
To enlarge image and view as a PDF, please click here. Image descriptions have been included in alt text.

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