Bassetlaw Hospital on the search for new governors

The NHS Trust which runs Bassetlaw Hospital is holding elections to appoint two new members to its Council of Governors.

To apply, click here.
For the information pack, click here.

Governors play a vital role in representing the public and influencing how their local hospitals make plans to improve and develop services. The representatives also hold the Non-executive Directors on the Board to account and ask important questions on behalf of local residents, to ensure the Trust is heading in the right direction.

Suzy Brain England OBE, Chair of the Board at the Trust, said: “Public and staff governors get involved in activities to better understand what we do. They input views and give voice to our community in discussions about our local hospitals.

“The role is extremely rewarding and contributes significantly towards enhancing the services that we offer to patients. If you want to apply your skills and dedicate a small portion of your time to an active role in our local hospitals, then please consider standing as a governor and give a voice to local people.”

The Trust is encouraging enthusiastic residents to apply, emphasising that special qualifications are not a requirement. All you need is the right level of motivation and a real desire to help improve patient care.  Anyone who is a registered member of the Trust, so long as they are aged over 16, is eligible to put themselves forward.

For successful candidates, the Trust will provide all necessary training, advice and support. Governors who are elected will be in post for of three years and will be eligible to stand for re-election at the end of that period. As a governor, you will also need to commit time to attending the organisation’s Annual Members Meeting and four Council of Governors’ meetings a year, as well as numerous briefings and training.

Nomination packs are now available on the Trust’s website while the closing date for entries is 11 February 2019.  Successful candidates will take up role 1 April 2019.

If you think you are interested but don’t know much about the role of the governor, the Trust is holding an information session which is open to all on Friday 18 January at 4pm at Bassetlaw Hospital within the Boardroom.

To register your attendance at one of the sessions or for more information call the Trust Board Office on 01302 644157 or email