We understand parents may be a little bit concerned about current arrangements, so we want to give you an update on what is happening, and our progress.
The works, which began in May 2022 include a full refurbishment of the suite’s birthing rooms, as well as the creation of a new welcoming reception and waiting area, and the opening of our first Midwifery Led Birth Centre. The delivery suite will include a fully-equipped Obstetric Observation Area to support women who need additional observations and a large well equipped Triage department to support all our women, families and birthing individuals. Full details can be viewed here: https://www.dbth.nhs.uk/news/2-5-million-refurbishment-of-maternity-services-at-local-hospital
Whilst this development is underway, and expected to be complete in December 2022, the Central Delivery Suite is currently situated within the ground floor of the of Women’s and Children’s Hospital whilst Triage is situated on level 3.
In the coming weeks, Central Delivery Suite will move one final time also to level 3 and be located directly above where it is currently situated, before transitioning back later in the year to the refurbished area on level 6. While things are transitioning, colleagues will do their very best to ensure that the process is seamless, and your experience is the very best it can be whilst you are with us, however if you do have any concerns please let us know using the details below.
The Central Delivery Suite is currently located in an area which is often referred to as the ‘modular build’ which contains parallel wards on the ground floor and first floor (level 3 of the Women and Children’s Building).
This is a brand new extension to the rear of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital which was completed in December 2021. Costing £12.4 million, these ward areas were created using modern methods of construction, and contain some of the most up-to-date facilities that the Trust has on any of its three sites, and is staffed by the relevant professionals to ensure the very best experience for women, their babies and their families. They have also been adapted and have all the relevant equipment needed to support mum and baby during labour.
A short film can be viewed here which highlights the ward environment (please note this was recorded when the area was initially used for paediatric services in late 2021 and early 2022): https://youtu.be/zkOgvN4Tq7E
Work on the refurbishment has been supported by our Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) and incorporates service user feedback – such as the inclusion of a fixed pool on both CDS and in the Birth Centre.
Throughout this process, our maternity team have worked very closely with our estates and facilities colleagues, as well as the contractors carrying out the building works. We have done everything in our power to ensure that, although the current areas are temporary, they are entirely fit for purpose, and our commitment to your care, and the care of your little one, remains the same.
We appreciate this may be an uncertain time, so if you have any questions about the refurbishment plans please contact Director of Midwifery Lois Mellor on lois.mellor@nhs.net or Fiona Gilroy-Simpson DBTH MVP Chair on fimvpchair@gmail.com