This award is sponsored by Vivup, and the shortlist is:
Debi Oxley, Lead Nurse Endoscopy
Debi has demonstrated dedication and determination to enhance the patient pathway through upper GI and colorectal services. She has embraced different ways of working to develop services that meet the increasing demands on the endoscopy service and has a determined and practical approach to getting the best for patients accessing services.
Debi has expanded the workforce in Endoscopy and developed an excellent succession plan within her team, providing staff with opportunities to develop. Debi’s development as a leader is visible in her senior nurses and in feedback from the JAG accreditation team.
Sue McDonagh, Senior Sister for Trihealth sexual health services
Sue has proven herself to be an outstanding, highly respected Team Leader, an outstanding Nurse Practitioner with patients as her top priority, and an amazing support to her Line Manager, enabling her Manager to fulfil other Trust duties (FTSUG and Staff Governor). She epitomises the Trust’s values ‘WECARE’, alongside being a perfect role model representing the nursing profession.
Sue commenced her leadership role by successfully completing her BA in Health and Social Care Leadership. With her newly acquired skills, Sue has implemented training programmes for all grades of staff, encouraging development and mentorship to enable staff fulfil their respective potential.
Nicola Holland, Antenatal Clinic Outpatient
Nicola has been instrumental in leading this Quality Improvement work forward with her team within Antenatal Clinic (ANC). Nicola is the ANC Outpatients Manager for both sites and has a strong passion and determination to make the department outstanding. She had already started to make significant improvements and used a Rapid Improvement Event as a vehicle to act on staff suggestions and improve the whole experience for staff and patients within ANC.
She started the process of improvement by listening to her staff and looking at patient feedback to see what was required in terms of Improvements and then set about turning staff ideas into a reality.