Called the ’12 Days of Giving’ competition, Holt Doctors hosted their annual festive competition to champion the charities of NHS partners.
Not only did the DBTH Charity place in the top three charities for money raised, but they received the most donations overall, making them the winners.
Rhian Morris, Bereavement Midwife at Doncaster Royal Infirmary said: “The bereavement team would like to thank Holt Doctors for their very generous prize donation of £1,250 which will be put towards the Serenity Suite Appeal. This will help bring us ever closer to reaching our £150,000 target.”
The Serenity Suite is a specially designed, self-contained suite which will be available for families to utilise who have sadly had the devastating news that their baby has died.
Rhian went on: “The Suite will help give the families a more comfortable, private environment to stay in, and give them time to make everlasting memories with their baby. Giving them the time to say hello, whilst saying goodbye.”
In addition to the bereavement suite, the funds raised from the Serenity Appeal have already bought a mobile ultrasound scanner for Bassetlaw Hospital.
Before this, people who suffered a miscarriage at Bassetlaw Hospital and who required an ultrasound for a diagnosis, had to leave the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit (EPAU) and walk into a busy scan department which is shared with other patients waiting for either their standard 12 week or 20-week scans.
To change this, our EPAU unit planned to keep everything under one space with the mobile scanner. This means care is given in the same, familiar, and private space without having to walk through the hospital twice and having to sit with other pregnant people.
The Serenity Appeal will also fund the refurbishment of two counselling rooms, spaces for families to receive support as they grieve the loss of their baby.
To read more about the Serenity Appeal, visit out charity website on: