As you will be aware, throughout the past few days, we have seen a significant rise in Covid-19 within our hospitals at both Doncaster and Bassetlaw.
At the time of writing, we are caring for 31 patients with Covid-19, having recorded our largest rise for a number of weeks in the past 24 hours, with a further nine patients confirmed positive (we have also safely discharged two individuals in this period). The break down of this is 29 at Doncaster Royal Infirmary and two at Bassetlaw Hospital, of which two require intensive care.
While we are managing our position well, just last Sunday we were caring for eight patients. If the infection rate continues to rise at the same rate it has this week, we will find ourselves in a more challenging situation in the not too distant future.
While this rise in admission tallies with providers across the country, we are seeing a concerning increase of patients who are asymptomatic for the disease, but who are returning positive swabs. Therefore, as a Trust, we have taken steps to enhance our PPE guidance for colleagues, as well as further bolster our safeguards against the disease.
Our ask of you within our communities is to continue to practise the three core principles of hands, face and space – that’s regular hand hygiene, the wearing of a mask and maintaining a two metre distance between yourself and others, whenever possible.
I would also like to remind people of our visiting restrictions, which regrettably are still in place and will be so for a little while to come, and are now more important than ever.
We ask that you do not come to our hospitals if you have any cold or flu-type symptoms, or have been in contact with anyone who has them. We also require all visitors to wear a face mask at all times – if you do not, you will be challenged by a member of staff – not in a confrontational manner, but instead because we care about your wellbeing, as well as those within our care. If you are unable to wear a face covering we are requesting that you do not visit unless under very urgent circumstances.
We also ask that only one visitor, per person, attend each day, and to try and keep any trips to the hospital to an absolute minimum. We provide free WiFi for video calls, as well as support virtual visiting and letter writing for elderly friends and loved ones, and we do understand how difficult it can be not to see your loved ones, particularly at a time like this. We have however, had a few instances where an entire family has turned up to see a patient, and in these instances we have no choice but to ask you to leave. Our restrictions are in place for a reason, so if in doubt, please call ahead and speak to the ward you wish to visit.
Doncaster and Bassetlaw still have some of the lowest infection rates within the region, and we hope this will continue and that this recent spike in admissions is short-term. For your part, please continue to support us and help us in our fight against Covid-19.
Dr Agwuh