Hospital map

As we are spread over four hospital sites, it can be hard to find your way to certain services, so we’ve provided these handy maps…

Please note, the below maps are in the process of being reviewed to make sure that the information is up to date. 

Whether your travelling to Doncaster Royal Infirmary, Bassetlaw Hospital or Montagu Hospital, staff are on hand and happy to help you on your way to whichever ward or service you’re looking for. We also have a team of volunteers at the main entrance of each site who are more than happy to accompany you to ensure you get to your appointment in time.

Site maps (Click to enlarge)

Doncaster Royal Infirmary

Bassetlaw Hospital

Current map:

Bassetlaw map showing Emergency department, Assessment and Treatment Centre and Children’s Assessment Unit service locations once opened:

Montagu Hospital

 Free shuttle service

There is a free Hospital Shuttle between Doncaster Royal Infirmary and Bassetlaw Hospital, which runs every hour, Monday to Friday, between 8.00am to 4.30pm. For more information call 01909 572424.

A second Shuttle Bus runs between Montagu Hospital and DRI. To guarantee a seat on this bus, there is a freephone booking service: 0800 953 66 33 on Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays) between 9.30am and 4.30pm.

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