P&OD Time-Out Sessions are an opportunity for us to come together as a team, share our achievements and develop our shared vision as we head into the future. They also provide a chance to break from the norm, move away from our desks, offices or teaching venues and meet with our colleagues from across the directorate.
Upcoming P&OD Time-Out Sessions:
When: Thursday 20 December, 2018 9am in the Education Centre at Doncaster Royal Infirmary.
Focus topic: A year in P&OD
Description: As our final time-out session of the year and with just a few days until Christmas, we’re hoping to have some fun with this event.
We will have short presentations on the achievements of our various teams, updates on the development of P&OD as a whole and other organisational changes. Members of the team will also be able present their improvement ideas to P&ODs very own ‘Dragon’s Den’ (any and all schemes considered) as well as a very special directorate awards ceremony.
Previous P&OD Time-Out Sessions:
When: Friday 22 June and Monday 16 July 2018, 9am in the Hub at Bassetlaw Hospital
Focus topic: Matrix Management
Description: This session was split across two separate days and held at Bassetlaw Hospital, in response to feedback received at previous time-out sessions. At the event we discussed ‘Matrix Management’ and how it can be beneficial to both teams and individuals.
Feedback received described the need for ‘Organagrams’ (otherwise known as structure charts) for the directorate, which are now being worked on within our Graphics Department and will be available in December. Team members also shared thoughts on content for the December session and also the need for a new or refreshed Extranet, which will be complete in January 2019.
When: Monday 27 November 2017, 9am in the Education Centre at DRI
Focus topic: Our perception of P&OD
Description: This session explored who we are as teams within P&OD, with services creating their own poster with which they could define what they do and who they are. Members of the team also contributed ‘leaves’ on which comments and challenges were written about how we can develop and what obstacles we may face.
The posters from the event can be found here: Education Leads, Recruitment Team, HR Core Team, Clinical Education, Vocational Education Team, Workforce Information, Communications Team, Placement Team, Clinical Skills, Health and Well being and Occupational Health, P&OD Senior Leadership Team.
Feedback from the leaves.
When: Friday 28 April 2017, 9am in the Education Centre at DRI
Focus topic: P&OD update and strategy planning
Description: This session explored our achievements as a directorate in 2016/17 as well as sharing the team’s views on how we should populate and develop our directorate strategy.
Throughout the session, post-it notes with comments on were applied to a brief and drafted strategy. These were used to influence the final creation of P&OD strategic direction, which can be found here.
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