Replacing the Colleague Engagement Group, our Strawberry Wigwams are an opportunity to share ideas, address issues and steer the directorate’s development. If you have a specific issue to raise or concern to flag, you can use this form here.
The next Strawberry Wigwam will next place:
To be announced, please check back shortly.
In the previous Strawberry Wigwam, we discussed:
Clear relevant feedback on what our teams do – To be addressed with the creation of the Trust’s new Extranet.
Clear and concise communication, transparent and honest – Intention to develop further, with introduction of P&OD Cast as well as drop-in sessions.
Organigram for Directorate; who is who and what they do, electronic and paper – Being progressed by the Trust’s Graphics Department, expected to be complete in some part by December.
P&OD away half days, make not compulsory, split the workload for developing the sessions – One half-day session already held and will continue as schedule and workload allows.
Fun ways of feeding back for team building. Play your cards right, white water rafting, go ape, paintballing, deal or no deal and social events – Dragon’s Den at next Time-Out Session and open to suggestions from the team to progress further.
Explain why ideas are or are not being taken forward – A particular challenge within the Trust, with work being progressed to address this organisationally as well as locally.
Find Karen’s podcast useful, but need to expand to all staff – Email sent to Senior Leadership Team each month to share information and updates
P&OD away days, flip charts taken away and never seen again. What has happened to all these ideas? Creation of this web portal to address this issue, all materials here.
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