It’s that time of year again when all members of Team DBTH are asked to take a few minutes and complete their Staff Survey. This incredibly important questionnaire helps us, as employers, to improve the organisation as a place to work.
The survey itself will take around ten minutes to complete, and asks a number of questions relating to your working life. All responses are completely anonymous and are sent to a third-party, Picker, who analyse this data and send the results back to the Trust in the new year.
How to complete the survey
Please take a few minutes to take yours. It can be found by:
- Opening up the Microsoft Outlook Application from your Desktop.
- Locating the ‘’Search Inbox’’ bar near the top of the page. This can be identified by the small magnifying glass icon.
- In the ‘’Search Inbox ‘’bar, type ‘’Staff Survey Invitation’’
- Browse through the search results, looking for an email with the subject heading ‘’NHS Staff Survey 2018 – Invitation’’. Open the email.
- Click on the word ‘’Questionnaire’’, which will be in blue and underlined. This will take you to the homepage of the survey, where you can begin feeding back your views.
Is it really anonymous?
Absolutely 100%.
The survey is conducted by a third party company called Picker and not the Trust.
When they send out surveys, they have unique identifiers, so they can tell if someone hasn’t completed it – however, this information and identifier is never shared with the Trust under any circumstance.
The feedback, once collected, is analysed by Picker, who take out any identifiable information and names and send it back to the Trust just by team level.
We want to reassure all our staff that the point of the survey is to collect honest feedback, it’s in our interest as much as individuals to ensure its anonymous so we get the best possible response so we can improve as an employer.
Why we do it
In previous years, the Staff Survey has enabled us to make many positive changes based on your feedback. On a Trust-wide level, these include:
- The creation of Richard Parker’s ‘Listening Events’, which take place across all sites every three months, as well as similar engagement groups and director drop-in sessions.
- The redevelopment of the Trust’s intranet, which we expect to launch by the end of the year, as well as the expansion of our communication via social media.
- The design of numerous newsletters and communications dedicated to celebrating achievements and sharing learning, such as ‘Sharing How We Care’, the ‘Medical Team’ bulletin and an annualised version of ‘The Buzz’, in addition to our routine publications to keep you informed.
- Findings have also helped us with substantial restructuring projects, such as providing key information for our switch to Divisions, as well as the need to expedite work-streams such as the ‘Clinical Admin Review’.
- In addition to the above, there have been a number of suggestions brought forward on a local level, in order to make positive changes to your department, directorate or service, worked on in partnership between Divisional (formerly Care Group) leadership and People and Organisational Development (P&OD) colleagues.
Last year we had a response rate of 52%. In 2018 we want to substantially improve this, ensuring we hear from a wide range of voices within the team.
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